#052 - Styling, RSC, Expo, Universal Apps, EAS, Debugging, Strict DOM, React Native Q&A
What are my top 3 libraries? Which styling solution is the best? How can we build better universal apps for web, iOS and Android? In this special Q&A episode I answered tons of your questions about the current state of React Native, Expo and the future improvements like RSC or Expo DOM components and react-strict-dom.
Learn React Native - https://galaxies.dev
Learn React Native - https://galaxies.dev
- https://docs.swmansion.com/react-native-reanimated/
- https://gorhom.dev/react-native-bottom-sheet/blog/bottom-sheet-v5
- https://zeego.dev/
- https://docs.expo.dev/build-reference/variables/
- https://podcast.galaxies.dev/episodes/051-react-native-brownfield-integration-with-mariusz-stanisz
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OT5hQbvGRW8&ab_channel=SimonGrimm
- https://docs.expo.dev/guides/analyzing-bundles/
- https://docs.expo.dev/review/overview/#internal-distribution-with-eas-build
- https://docs.expo.dev/eas-update/getting-started/#configure-the-update-channel
- https://tamagui.dev/
- https://onestack.dev/
- https://www.nativewind.dev/
- Reanimated is a core library for React Native projects.
- TypeScript is recommended for better reliability in mobile development.
- Secret keys should not be stored in the app's code or .env files.
- Using a server to store sensitive keys is a safer approach.
- Integrating React Native into existing apps can be challenging but rewarding.
- Unistyles is a powerful styling solution for React Native.
- Expo is widely adopted and offers many advantages for new projects.
- Ejecting from Expo is no longer necessary with pre-builds.
- Reducing app size often involves optimizing images and assets.
- EAS updates can streamline workflows for larger teams.